Cultural Highs: Celebrating National Minority Mental Health. GLO Green honors choice in mental health and self-care with cannabis exploration.

Let Your Curiosity Run High

Excellent Herbalist in Poughkeepsie!

Want to incorporate CBD into your self-care but not sure where to start? At GLO Green, we offer only the best CBD products and cannabis consultation services to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. Based in Poughkeepsie, we strive to break the stigmas surrounding cannabis so that everyone can partake in its incredible medicinal properties. We sell a variety of CBD products, including gummies, candles, ointment sticks, and more. Our cannabis consultation services aim to educate and help you with your problems by using cannabis as a medium. Give me a call at (914) 246-0324 to learn more!

A Word From Glendalee

Hello, my name is Glendalee Muniz, and I am a licensed clinical social worker, medical cannabis professional, and psychotherapist. I myself am fighting the beast called anxiety daily while also trying to be present for my two kids and partner. My goal is to stay grounded to help others manage in this crazy world. I have found that the power of the plant cannabis has worked wonders. I am moving forward to educate, advocate and empower others to explore and discover their own treatment options for their chronic pain and overall well-being.

The History of Cannabis Products

For thousands of years, people across the world have incorporated hemp's powerful therapeutic properties into food and medicines. In recent decades, research has not only confirmed hemp's therapeutic value but unlocked a host of new uses for this magnificent herb. GLO Green Oils can be used both sublingually and topically for targeted relief, order yours today on our page!